Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Speech - part II

Several people mentioned that I titled my last post "the speech," but did not actually say anything about the content. This was mostly because everyone was watching from home, and because it was really late by the time I got to a computer to post about the day.

In the spirit of correcting that though, here is a link to the speech, in case you were not one of the 38 million people who watched it live:

As for commentary, I think on this one occasion in my life, I will let Pat Buchanan speak for me (see video below). Pat Buchanan and I have one thing in common - a love for great political speeches:

1 comment:

David Daly said...

Great Buchanan clip. I actually really like hearing what he has to say because he thinks about things, even if I usually disagree with him -- although not on this one.